Rajasthan Creates Surplus Budget—By Not Spending Money

By :  IndiaSpend
Update: 2015-04-01 03:30 GMT
Rajasthan's chief minister Vasundhara Raje (left) with Prime Minister Narendra Modi (right) in July 2014
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government in Rajasthan—like its counterparts in Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir—is preparing for a slowdown in fund flows from the central government. While presenting the budget in the assembly recently, Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje said the effect of a central government decision to cut or end funding for many social-sector programmes would be felt. That, however, is not stopping one of India’s most socially backward states from increasing spending to boost the economy and make people healthier, wealthier and better educated. This is what outlays look like in some core sectors:
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Top 5 Sectors Based on Plan Outlays
Sector 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16*
Social & Community Services 12150 15937.17 24668.94 29020.07
Energy 12946.18 12648.5 14298.58 16665.10
Rural Development 4008.38 3885.7 10443.42 11051.72
Transport 2385.01 3520.71 7277.19 5778.16
Agri & Allied Services 2324.18 3029.17 4127.95 3975.83
Source: Rajasthan Budget; Figures in Rs crore; * Budget Estimates The money allocated for transport has declined 21%, to Rs 5,778 crore from Rs 7,277 crore in 2014-15. Agriculture and allied services are also seeing a drop in outlay, from Rs 4,128 crore to Rs 3,976 crore, down 4%. Social & community services will see the maximum increase of 18%, from Rs 24,669 crore to Rs 29,020 crore. The allocations here include Rs 8,912 crore for education, Rs 6,063 crore for the health sector and Rs 4,674 crore for water supply schemes. The energy sector is likely to see a 16% increase in spending at Rs 16,665 crore from Rs 14,298 crore. Higher outlays may not mean the money will actually be spent, if past, lethargic spending patterns are any indication. Here’s a look:
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Top 5 Sectors Based on Plan Expenditure
Sector 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15*
Social & community services 8768.92 11158.57 15366.05 15459.21
Rural development 2695.54 3598.82 3773.65 7766.23
Energy 8481.19 11145.49 11262.79 7167.43
Transport 1760.10 2137.22 3610.49 3352.58
Agriculture and allied services 1580.81 2172.05 2855.66 1899.78
Source: Rajasthan Budget; Figures in Rs crore; * till January 2015 Against an allocation of Rs 14,298.58 crore, the government spent only Rs 7,167.43 crore on energy till January 2015; in other words, it spend no more than 50% of the money available. Only 62% of the Rs 24,669 crore for social and community services was spent, or no more than Rs 15,460 crore. And so, on to a surplus budget
With so much money unutilised, it is perhaps not a surprise that the chief minister presented a Rs 5,56.81 crore revenue-surplus budget for the year 2015-16, against a deficit budget of Rs 4,219.60 crore in 2014-15. Scindia also said that capital expenditure has been increased 40% in 2014-15 from 2013-14, and debt has been utilised to create assets. Capital expenditure increased to Rs 19,152.74 crore in 2014-15 from Rs 13,664.66 crore in 2013-14 and revenue expenditure increased to Rs 100,887.93 crore from Rs 75,509.58 crore, up 33%.
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Budget In Numbers, 2011-12 to 2015-16
Head 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16*
Total Revenue Receipts 66913 74470.37 96668.32 111361.7
Tax Revenue 47605.49 52150.76 59604.01 76020.87
Non-Tax Revenue 12133.58 13575.24 13468.49 15495.99
Grants-in-aid 7173.92 8744.35 23595.81 19844.79
Total Revenue Expenditure 63461.79 75509.78 100888 110804.8
Expenditure on general services 20760.82 23587.9 28542.61 31299.22
Expenditure on social services 25292.94 31486.08 40634.8 46622.9
Expenditure on Economic Services 17408.22 20435.59 31710.51 32882.71
Surplus/Deficit on Revenue Account 3451.21 (-) 1039.21 (-)41219.60 556.81
Source: Rajasthan Budget; **2014-15 figures are revised estimates and 2015-16 figures are budget estimates; Figures in Rs crore Total tax revenue (state’s own tax revenue including land revenue and state excise and share of central taxes like income tax and service tax) is expected to increase 27% to Rs 76,020 crore, from Rs 59,604 crore. Grants-in-aid from the central government—to cover revenue deficit, disaster relief and sector-specific schemes —are expected to decline 16% to Rs 19,844 crore from Rs 23,595 crore. Expenditure on social services is likely to increase 15% from Rs 40,634 crore to Rs 46,622 crore.  Given Rajasthan’s low social-sector indices, such spending is expected. Rajasthan, which has a population of 68 million, is behind the national average on all social indicators like education, health and sex ratio.  While the literary rate is 66% against the national rate of 73%, sex ratio (females per 1,000 males) is 928 as against the national average of 943. Infant mortality rate, an estimate of
infant deaths
for every 1,000 live births, is 47 as against the national average of 40. Maternal mortality ratio, the number of women aged 15-49 dying due to maternal causes per 100,000 live births, is 224 in Rajasthan as against the national average of 167. Image Credit: Flickr/NarendraModiOfficial __________________________________________________________________________ “Liked this story? Indiaspend.org is a non-profit, and we depend on readers like you to drive our public-interest journalism efforts. Donate Rs 500; Rs 1,000, Rs 2,000.”

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