IndiaSpend Contributor Parikshit Nirbhay Wins Recognition At ICFJ Road Safety Reporting Contest
Parikshit’s story on road safety in India won runner-up from among numerous applicants from respective countries

Mumbai: We are happy to announce that IndiaSpend contributor Parikshit Nirbhay was named a runner-up in the 2024 Road Safety Reporting Contest by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ).
A panel of judges selected a winner and two runners-up from each of five countries with high road accident death rates: Brazil, India, Mexico, Nepal and Nigeria. The competition, in its third year, aimed to raise awareness and reporting standards around critical yet under-reported road safety issues. It is implemented through ICFJ, with support from the FIA Foundation’s Richard Stanley Memorial Grant and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Parikshit’s October 2024 story analysed patterns of road accidents in India, adding medical, academic and civil society voices to his reportage. About 1.2 million people are killed in road traffic crashes every year, and road crashes are the leading killer of children and young people aged 5-29 globally, according to WHO data.
“Road safety is something that affects all of us,” said Aliza Appelbaum, ICFJ’s vice president of programs. “Thank you to our winners, and other journalists like them, for rigorously reporting on this topic. It’s a public service that can quite literally save lives.”
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